'How to Ferment ANY Vegetable | LACTO FERMENTATION GUIDE'

'How to Ferment ANY Vegetable | LACTO FERMENTATION GUIDE'
13:22 Mar 5
'Lacto fermentation is the process of beneficial bacteria that are naturally occurring on vegetables and converting them to lactic acid. Not only is lacto fermented foods delicious but they are also rich in probiotics. Let’s take a look at how to make these beneficial foods.  Get every video in the Homesteaders of America \'Grow Your Own Food\' series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLibir7V_bZOHFIuxfYm_H5aBz0ydcRTVR  Get my full Lacto-fermentation guide on the blog- https://www.farmhouseonboone.com/lacto-fermentation-guide-to-fermenting-vegetables   WANT TO START YOUR OWN BLOG?  Learn how our family supports ourselves full-time on our homestead with our blog and Youtube channel with in my FREE blogging success masterclass: https://www.farmhouseonboone.com/masterclass-registration  GRAB MY FREE EBOOKS 5 Steps to an Organized Kitchen Mini Guide- https://www.farmhouseonboone.com/5-steps-organized-kitchen-mini-guide/ Cleaning with Essential Oils- https://www.farmhouseonboone.com/cleaning-essential-oils-ebook/ 5 Kefir Smoothie Recipes- https://www.farmhouseonboone.com/5-kefir-smoothie-recipes-ebook/  Berkey water filter- https://www.berkeyfilters.com/collections/berkey-water-filter-systems/products/royal-berkey?a_aid=5b2cf1884101a&a_bid=bef79039  You can get the review here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8CaB1n31iI  Join my Facebook group, “Simple Farmhouse Life”- https://www.facebook.com/groups/748012922264552/  Get my free essential oils class to learn all about the oils we use in the farmhouse! Watch it here: https://bit.ly/farmhouseoils  Follow along with Farmhouse on Boone INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/farmhouseonboone FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/farmhouseonboone PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/farmhouseonboon/ For sponsorship inquires contact me: [email protected]  Music: 12 Mornings by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/' 

Tags: farmhouse on boone , fermentation , fermented foods , fermented vegetables , lacto fermentation , fermenting vegetables , fermentation process , how to ferment vegetables , how to ferment veggies , fermentation recipe , how to ferment carrots , lactofermentation , how to ferment vegetables for probiotics , lacto fermentation for beginners , fermented jalapenos

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