'Ferment eggplant: Eggplant recipe for tasty dish. Aubergine fermentation process [Fermented foods]'

'Ferment eggplant: Eggplant recipe for tasty dish. Aubergine fermentation process [Fermented foods]'
01:49 Feb 26, 2024
'Ferment eggplant: Eggplant recipe for tasty dish. Aubergine fermentation process [Fermented foods]  Tasty eggplant (aubergine) recipe: Ferment eggplant for 2-3 weeks together with garlic, chili flakes and oregano. The lactic acid produced during the eggplant fermentation supports gut health. Use this idea to preserve aubergine surplus from your garden or from the store. A healthy pantry essential (vegan!) and easily preserved fermented food.  Try these essentials for eggplant fermentation: Preserving jar set: https://www.amazon.com/Ball-Mason-Mouth-Bands-Bundle/dp/B07GX3Y4WZ/ Fermentation lid set: https://www.amazon.com/Fermentation-AIEVE-Extractor-Sauerkraut-Fermenting/dp/B07SFLDZRS/ Fermentation for Beginners [Book]: https://www.amazon.com/Fermentation-Beginners-Step-Step-Probiotic-ebook/dp/B00H27GE5O/ Home Fermentation Starter Guide [Book]: https://www.amazon.com/Home-Fermentation-Starter-Katherine-Green-ebook/dp/B01771GJ0Y/ Grow your own eggplant: https://www.amazon.com/Civilys-Seeds-200pcs-Organic-Eggplant-Vegetable/dp/B086DMRX22/  Check out Millennial Home\'s dedicated Fermentation Ideas Playlist! Keep learning, keep growing.  ~ The Millenial Home. ~' 

Tags: tutorial , Recipe , tasty , healthy , vegan , meal prep , vegan recipes , vegan meals , gut health , pantry , PREPPING , vegan ideas , fermentation , fermented foods , eggplant , pantry ideas , fermented , aubergine , prepping for beginners , fermented vegetables , eggplant recipe , aubergine recipe , pantry essentials , eggplant recipe vegan , preservation of food , preppers food storage , fermentation process , eggplant dish , fermentation station , aubergine dish , fermentation beginners , preserve eggplant

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