'Mid Morning Coffee with Snacks - Diet Food, Weight Control, Healthy Snacks & Coffee'

'Mid Morning Coffee with Snacks - Diet Food, Weight Control, Healthy Snacks & Coffee'
08:15 Feb 10, 2024
'Currently at home so need to keep a vigil on my weight, after my menopause have been putting on weight fast, so always on the look-out for food with low calories and low GI(glycemic index). I am not a dietician, but to take care of my health I continuously keep tab of health food topics, Glycemic Index and Calorie discussions on YouTube and the Internet. Sharing one of my creations from my kitchen towards my weight-loss & control goals.' 

Tags: healthy snacks , diet food , Weight Control Food , Low GI food , Snacks with Peanuts , Snacks with Almonds , Snacks with green peas , Coffee with Healthy Fats , Use of Coconut Oil in Foods

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