'Today I\'m full of beans, because we\'re attempting a food challenge which has been on my bucket list for years now... We\'re at Kendall\'s in Noble, Oklahoma having a crack at their infamous, twenty year old, \'Chicken Fry Challenge\'! This thing costs $50 and consists of three huge chicken fried steaks, a double serving of mashed potatoes, double serving of green beans, a biscuit, side salad and two of their renowned cinnamon rolls. Finish inside one hour and it\'s yours on the house, plus you get a choice of winner\'s garment (they have a selection of long/short sleeved tops with a bunch of different designs on them). ***NEW VIDEOS EVERY THURSDAY AND SUNDAY AT 7PM UK TIME*** FOLLOW ME: Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @BeardMeatsFood FOLLOW MRS BEARD: Instagram: @Mrs_Beard_Eats MY PODCAST: @BreakingBreadPD - A good old fashioned chin wag with my co-host Josh Gudgeon, in a studio so plush it makes it look like we know what we\'re doing. MERCHANDISE - DISTRIBUTED BY TEESPRING: Use the merchandise shelf above or the following link - https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/beard-meats-food-store Credit to my mate FLORIAN HAACK for the incredible SF2 metal outro! #FoodChallenge #EatingShow #Oklahoma'
Tags: fitness , mukbang , food challenge , eating show , oklahoma , 10k , man vs food , cheat day , 10000 Calorie Challenge , beard meats food , eating challenge , cheat meal , Matt stonie , Calorie Challenge , beard vs food , beard meets food , eating channel , eating challenge uk , massive eating challenge , huge eating challenge , beardmeatsfood , adam moran , british competitive eater , 100000 calorie challenge , chicken fried steak , kendall's challenge
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