'Pharmacist Abraham, discusses how to Lose Weight Fast. Weight Loss. Diet. Lose Belly Fat. Lose Weight Diet Plan. Best Diet and Lots More. In this weeks video we’re looking at how to Lose Weight Fast with the Best Diet Plan For Belly Fat Loss. This is going to be your simple, step by step, scientifically backed guide showing you how you can lose weight and keep it off permanently. Its an easy to follow structured plan that I will split into FOUR PARTS. There are lots of diets out there, but the one I will be covering in this series is based on the NHS and British Dietetic Association weight loss plan, so that’s right, no misinformation here and no yo-yo diets. VIDEO BREAKDOWN: 00:00 Lose Weight Fast Best Diet Plan For Belly Fat Loss 01:53 Portion Sizing Diet Plan to Lose Weight and Belly Fat Fast 05:51 Bulking Your Meals Diet Plan to Lose Weight and Belly Fat Fast 07:13 Exercises to Lose Weight and Belly Fat Fast 09:06 Stop Frying Food Alternative Cooking Ideas to Lose Weight and Belly Fat Fast 10:10 Exercise Motivation to Lose Weight and Belly Fat Fast 12:20 Breakfast is Super Important to Lose Weight and Belly Fat Fast 14:13 Conclusion of how to Lose Weight and Belly Fat Fast BEFORE STARTING YOUR WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY: This video is designed for adults who have a BMI above 25 and may not be suitable for everyone, always speak to your healthcare professional before starting any weight loss programme, as some recommendations are not suitable for children, pregnant women, those with a BMI less than 25, or those with medical conditions. Please use the following NHS page to calculate your BMI: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/bmi-calculator/ LOSE WEIGHT FAST VIDEO SERIES BREAKDOWN: So this is how it’s going to work, I’ll give you just two challenges each week from the plan that will help you keep losing pounds every week through creating healthy habits. This video is going to be your go-to for weeks 1 – 3, keep an eye out for the next part to keep that weight loss going! Here are the weekly challenges we will go through in episode 1: Week 1) Getting the right portions and the easy way to bulk up your meals Week 2) Starting exercise and healthy frying alternatives Week 3) Keeping up exercise and starting healthier breakfasts WHAT IS BELLY FAT: You see the problem is that fat, isn’t just the inch you can pinch known as subcutaneous fat the real danger is the fat that’s in your abdomen and surrounding your internal organs known as visceral fat. Studies have shown visceral fat puts us at higher risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and in women it’s even shown to increase the risk of breast cancer. DIET PORTION SIZE EXPLAINED: Now this diet comes from a study done in Oxford and to help participants reduce the amount they were eating, they were encouraged to measure portions based on the size of their hands. They aimed for a daily intake of, • Three fist-sized servings of carbohydrates (Examples: Pasta, rice, potatoes, breakfast cereals, bread, wholegrains e.g. bulgur wheat, quinoa) • Two palm-sized servings of lean protein (Examples: Fish, meat, poultry, eggs, nuts, soya products e.g. tofu, quorn, legumes and pulses e.g. lentils, kidney beans) • Two cupped handfuls of vegetables or salad (Examples: All kinds of green and root vegetables (not potatoes) and salad vegetables) • Two fist-sized servings of fruit (Examples: Any fresh, frozen or fruit canned in natural juice or water) • Two servings of fat or oil covering the tip of the thumb (Examples; Any vegetable oil, butter or fat spreads.) Aim to have some dairy in your diet, participants could have 200ml/⅓ pint skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, or two 125g pots of natural or low-calorie yoghurt. Please note: If you really like cheese you can have it in your diet but remember its a protein food so it should substitute the proteins servings. Please remember for cheese one serving is the size of a matchbox, little pocket sized ones not the big cooking ones. For more information on healthy balanced diets and a full list of the different food groups: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well RESULTS: The results from the study were pretty incredible participants lost 0.5 to 1kg every week if done correctly! But here’s the best part, after 6 weeks the study showed that each individual also reduced their, • Dangerous visceral fat by 14% • Cholesterol • Blood pressure • Had a 5cm reduction in their waistline And this is all without any extra exercise just by using a very simple portion sizing technique. DISCLAIMER: This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.'
Tags: Weight loss , diet , lose weight , best , Lose Weight Fast , belly fat , lose belly fat , how to lose weight fast , weight loss diet , best diet , best way to lose weight , weight loss diet plan , lose weight diet , belly fat diet plan , lose weight diet plan , best way to lose belly fat , belly fat diet
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