'Love fitness exercise fitness fitness girl #Back training My daily schedule is very simple get up,'

'Love fitness exercise fitness fitness girl #Back training My daily schedule is very simple get up,'
00:14 Sep 17, 2023
'Guys, hello everyone!  However, you\'ve probably heard the most about your rectus abdominis (a.k.a. your six-pack muscles, which run down the front of your stomach), transverse abdominis (deep abs muscles that wrap around your stomach like a corset), and obliques (otherwise known as your side abs, which help you rotate).  Solid ab workouts incorporate moves that fire up all of these major muscles—and particularly exercises that work \'em all at the SAME time, like deadbugs, hollow holds, and side planks. It makes sense: If you want to see major results, you have to train your abs from every angle.  Which workout is best for abs Is it OK to work out your abs every day Do abs flatten your stomach How do you get line abs fast   #abs_workout  #S7S_GYM #Workout  #exercises' 

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