'Want to talk to me over a call? https://www.fjunction.com/product-details/online-consultation--workouts-dietssupplements For consultation drop me an email here fitjunc@gmail.com Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FitJunc/ When trying to lose weight the following thing should be kept in mind. 1.) You should always be in caloric deficit. Caloric deficit implies eating less calories than you eat. Before going to calorie deficit diet, Calculate your caloric intake. 2.) Workout/ Training: Make sure your training revolves around heavy compound movements. Rep range should 6 to 10 and don\'t spend more than an hour in the gym unless you own the gym. 3.) Cardio: A light cardio first thing in the morning empty stomach is recommended. You can take BCAAs to preserve muscle mass. Also you can take black coffee to accelarate FAT LOSS. Stay Awesome!!'
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