Sep 4, 2023
'Here\'s a recipe I found in a book from 1965 - an interesting turning point in British cuisine where the nation was only really just starting to recover from the impact of wartime food shortage and rationing. As a result, some of the recipes have a sort of naive charm to the modern reader, but others are solid, hearty stuff that needs to come back. This is to make \'pizzas\' with a scone base. The ingredients for the dough: 12oz (350g) Self Raising flour 3oz (85g) Lard 3oz (85g) Grated cheese 3 Level teaspoons baking powder 1 Level teaspoon salt Generous pinch of Cayenne pepper or mustard 1/4 pint (140ml) milk Water (a few tablespoons full) to mix For the sauce: 2 Medium onions, finely chopped 4 Tablespoons tomato puree or paste 1 Clove of garlic, crushed or finely chopped 2 Tablespoons oil Pinch of salt'See also: