'HOW TO COOK JOLLOF RICE | NIGERIA PARTY FOOD #howtocooknigeriajollofrice #jollofricerecipenigeria #nigeriapartyfood On this video I share a simple recipe of how to make jollof rice using the following Ingredients: Rice Chicken stock Tomatoes Onions Sweet pepper Hot pepper Maggi Salt Curry powder Thyme Bay leaves Butter Please support my channel by subscribing #howtocookjollofrice#jollofricerecipe #nigeriapartyjollofrice https://youtu.be/pSPt2_9wCAU https://youtu.be/3Uj08asqv1M'
Tags: ENTERTAINMENT , gaming , education , How-to & Style , nigerian food recipes , People & Blog , Nigerian Party Jollof Rice | Let's Cook , Nigerian party Jollof , how to make favourite Nigeria Jollof Rice , Ghana Jollof Rice
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