'जानिए आपको दिन में कितना खाना चाहिए | Calculate Your Daily Calories Intake'

'जानिए आपको दिन में कितना खाना चाहिए | Calculate Your Daily Calories Intake'
06:24 May 23, 2023
'Ask any question directly from Anurag Sharma http://www.fjunction.com/ask  View Recommended Products on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/shop/fjunction  For Whiteboard Image, download here http://www.fjunction.com/youtube/thumbnail.png  Buy INTERNATIONALL CHEST DAY TSHIRT  http://www.fjunction.com/product-details/international-chest-day-red-performance-tshirt Shop Workout Wear http://www.fjunction.com/store/gym  Fitness Services & Personal Training http://www.fjunction.com/fservices.php  Read Fitness Blogs & Clear your myths http://www.fjunction.com/blogs/  Detailed Calculation for Men & Women Step 1 - Calculate the STARTING POINT(SP) Your body weight in kgs.......... For eg. 75 kg If you are a MALE SP =  75*24*1 =  1800 calories If you are a FEMALE SP = 75*24*0.90 = 1620 calories   Step 2 - Calculate your BMR Estimate your body fat percentage Gender           Percent Body Fat         Multiplier Men                    10 to 14%                     1.0 Women              14 to 18%                     1.0  Men                   14 to 20%                      0.95 Women             18 to 28%                      0.95  Men                   20 to 28%                      0.9 Women             28 to 38%                      0.9  Men                   28% & above                0.85 Women             38% & above                0.85   So if you are a male who weighs around 75 kgs with Body Fat percentage of around 15 BMR  =  1800(SP)*0.95 = 1710 calories If you are a female who weighs around 75 kgs with a Body fat percentage of around 20 BMR = 1620(SP)*.95 = 1539 calories   Step 3 Factor in the activity level Sedentary 1.25  = Very Light: Sitting, studying, talking, little walking or other activities through out the day  THE AVERAGE FITNESS BUFF RANGE: 1.3  = Light walking    1.5  =  Walking, jogging, gardening type job with activities such as cycling, tennis, dancing, skiing or weight training 1-2 hours per day  THE AVERAGE ATHLETE OR HARD DAILY TRAINING RANGE: 1.80 = Heavy: Heavy manual labor such as digging, tree felling, climbing, with activities such as football, soccer or body building 2-4 hours per day 2.00  = Very Heavy: A combination of moderate and heavy activity 8 or more hours per day, plus 2-4 hours of intense training per day   So final maintenance calories for 75 kg male (15 % BF) = BMR * Activity level multiplier ;  1710 * 1.5 = 2565 calories 75 kg female (20 % BF) = BMR * Activity level multiplier  ; 1620 * 1.5 = 2430 calories   Macro-nutrient Breakdown 50 % carbohydrates , 25 % protein and 25 % fats . This is a good macro-nutrient breakdown. So a  2565 calories would have Carbohydrates (50 %) which means around 1282 calories should come from carbohydrates. 4 calories = 1 gm of carbohydrates  ; So 1282 calories = Almost 320 grams of carbs   Fats (25 %)  which means around 641 calories should come from fats. 9 calories = 1 gm of fats  ; So 641 calories = Almost 71 grams of fats. Protein (25 %)  which means around 641 calories should come from carbohydrates. 4 calories = 1 gm of protein  ; So 641 calories = Almost 160 grams of protein.  Stay Fit & Awesome' 

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