Apr 22, 2023
'That is so much food! Yes, today we eat all the best breakfast foods at Breakfast House Chicago! Where they offer delicious chicken sandwiches, burritos, chicken and waffles, eggs benedicts, French toast and so much more! It has been a long time coming for a new episode of the \"Joel Hansen Show\", where we do large food challenges consisting of restaurant menu\'s! They offer a more personal and slower eating of large amounts of food! Check out Breakfast house: https://www.breakfast-house.com THANKS FOR WATCHING Join our channel membership to get access to exclusive photos and early video releases:-https://youtube.com/channel/UCR_Kf3Ch_hvS-PhfhQMh9Yg FOLLOW JOEL HANSEN: https://www.instagram.com/modelvsfood/ https://www.facebook.com/modelvsfood BUY MERCH : JOELEATS.COM (Closing soon) teespring.com/stores/joel-hansen MY WEBSITE & TRAVEL SCHEDULE: JOELEATS.COM SIGNED & PERSONALIZED PICTURES : Only $5 (usd) and include FREE shipping! Send your mailing address along with payment to https://www.paypal.me/joelhansem ACCESS EXCLUSIVE CONTENT : https://www.patreon.com/modelvsfood CLICK FOR FREE AWESOME CONTENT : http://youtube.com/joelhansen?sub_con... SEND ME STUFF : Joel Hansen PO BOX 99900 UA 067 720 RPO DUNDURN HAMILTON ON L8P 0B5 CANADA Intro: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=ht... Outro : Track: Culture Code - Feel Again (feat. Harley Bird) [NCS Release]'
Tags: breakfast , chicago , foodchallenge , BreakfastChallenge
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