'10 Restaurant Logos with Hidden Messages'

'10 Restaurant Logos with Hidden Messages'
12:21 Nov 30, 2022
'#FastFood  #RestaurantLogos  #HiddenMessages Restaurant Logos with Hidden Messages   You won\'t believe how many Restaurant logos have hidden messages in them.  Design is intentional to help drive more sales, and brand themselves, not only themselves, but brand their identity in our brains.   Restaurant logos can be very unique but effective at the same time.  Branding is important, just like the double arches in the McDonalds logo, people identify with the mark universally.  Wendy\'s and Burger King are top contenders, as is Subway.  In this video, I will explain the hidden messages in Restaurant Logos, some will not make sense to you, however you will be able to identify these hidden messages, and be the smart one in your group... tell your friends and family that you figured this out all on your own, I won\'t tell a soul.  Lady Photo by Kristina Flour @tinaflour  https://mixkit.co' 

Tags: top 10 , restaurant secrets , five guys , famous logos , subliminal messages , baskin robbins , mcdonalds logo , brand logos , restaurant logos , burger king logo , Golden Arches , hidden logos , subway logo , logo secrets , food logos , Chipolte logo , Wendy logo , brugers logos , fast food chsins illumatti logos , food identity , hidden symbols in restaurant logo , logo messages , logo subliminal , pizza restaurants logos , restaurant logos branding , restaurant logos with names

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