'Today I\'m trying the Garnier Fructis Repairing Papaya Hair Food on my 2b 2c 3a hair. In total I have used the product on 3 washdays. So far, I\'m happy with the product. I think it performs well as a leave in conditioner. As a deep conditioner, it did not do much for my hair. I left it on for 10 mins. Thats 9 more than suggested on the tub. I will try the product as a hair mask again, this time leaving it on for 20 to 30 minutes. If my hair feels overloaded or over-moisturised, I\'ll update the description. On my third washday I did use the Just Herbs Shirolepam hair mask as a deep conditioner and used the Garnier Fructis as a leave in conditioner. I think I saw way better results. Way better shrinkage and definition as well. If you\'re tried this in combination with any other gels or products, do leave your feedback. Hair care is subjective and performs differently on different hair types. Honest feedback is always encouraged here. So good bad ugly, leave your thoughts down below. #garnierhairfood #garnierhairmask #repairingpapaya #garnierfrustis _________ PRODUCTS MENTIONED: CLARIFYING SHAMPOO https://amzn.to/3JJ3Fgl https://amzn.to/3qItDcc GARNIER HAIR FOOD https://amzn.to/3qNhlPV (REPAIRING PAPAYA VARIENT) XO CURL COMB https://amzn.to/3LodWPv JUST HERB SHIROLEPAM HAIR MASK https://www.justherbs.in/products/shirolepam-hair-scalp-treatment-mask?sca_ref=1451612.GrW8EldIzf ENLIVEN GEL https://amzn.to/3JRxtr0 _____________ ______ DISCOUNT CODES & RECOMMENDATIONS: Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.in/shop/michellemanuel Arata Discount Code: Michelle20 Northwish Naturals: https://www.northwishnaturals.com/shop-all Discount Code MICHELLE20 Just Herbs: https://www.justherbs.in?sca_ref=1451612.GrW8EldIzf Discount Code: Michelle15 Dot & Key: Discount Code: MICHELLE15 Instagram Store @curlyn.in Code: Michelle5 (Curly Hair accessories like Tangle Teasers, Satin Bonnets & Bows, Satin Pillowcases, Pineapple Keepers, Microwaveable Heat Caps, Satin Scrunchies etc) ___ VIDEOS YOU MIGHT ENJOY Video on Proteins for Curly Hair https://youtu.be/__u6DIy8I-Y Video On Humectants https://youtu.be/PXyTyBfXCAg Busting 5 Curly Hair Myths Video https://youtu.be/rNVAryqTf60 How to get thicker Curl Clumps https://youtu.be/3X_AEqC2bVY Triple Unicorn Curly Haircut https://youtu.be/slylPmjOjUc Hair Porosity Video https://youtu.be/o_To-zRwXFI ___ FIND ME ON MY OTHER SOCIALS: INSTAGRAM: @curlygirlmichelle FOR BUSINESS ENQUIRIES: michelle.m.manuel@gmail.com ___ DISCLAIMER: Everything I state in my videos are merely my opinions, suggestions and recommendations. My videos are researched and therefore I rely heavily on google for my sources. The attempt will always be to give you the information you need, in a form that\'s palatable . With regard to my product suggestion for curly hair, please remember that hair products work differently for different people. It is quite possible for you to dislike a product that I love. It\'s quite possible for you to be allergic to the products I use in my videos. I only use cruelty free makeup/products therefore the eyeshadow pigments will sometimes contain dyes. These sometimes cause staining of the eyelid. Please patch test before use It is also possible for you to have allergic reactions to CG approved hair products and skincare products used in my video. Always patch test before use. I\'ve listed some common allergens found in shampoos in my pinned comments on a video called, \'ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS ON HAIR FALL\' You can find that video here. https://youtu.be/Zfoi6RO5dsg Please be aware that all products do not suit everyone. Always always always test for allergic reactions before trying anything I use in my videos. Some of the links I use in my videos may be affiliate links. This means that every time you decide to buy something through a link I\'ve listed in my description, you support this channel at no added or hidden cost. __ Music by MBB https://www.youtube.com/c/mbbmusic https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial https://www.instagram.com/mbb_music Music by Ikson: https://youtube.com/ikson Instagram: Music by @iksonmusic Facebook: Music by @iksonmusic LinkedIn: Music by @ikson'
Tags: #garnierhairfood , #garnierhairmask , #garniercgfriendly , #garniercurlyhair , #garnieronwavyhair , #2bhair , #2chair , #3ahair , #garnierfructishairfood , #garnierfructishairmask , #curlyhairmask , #maskforwavyhair , #garniermask , #garniercurlyhairproducts , #garniercgapproved , #budgetcgproducts
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