'There was hair and strange things in my food, and the black soup spoon was dirty! I couldn’t eat it'

03:01 Nov 22, 2022
'As soon as I walked in the Caucasian woman and man and Asian lady gave me were staring at me. And If you have been stalked before by groups of strangers ( community mobbing) you know what to look 4! I ordered chicken pho and asked to use restroom to wash my hands, when I went to wash my hands a guy came out of the kitchen& gave me weird look and went into the mens restroom as I went into the ladies room( side by side) when I came out the restroom, the guy from restroom came out at the same time as I and gave me another weird look and went back into the kitchen. When I got back to the table, the lady put pho and spoon on table. The spoon was dirty and the soup had hair in it and other stuff in soup that I didn’t recognize. The noodles were stuck together and everyone was staring at me that’s in this video. I felt a bad vibe and I don’t eat hair so I didn’t taste the food as I was scared and the energy was bad so I got outta there! As I’m reversing my car, the lady that worked at the restaurant was banging on my car as my car is moving. She scared that crap out of me. I told her I didn’t want to eat the soup and she threatened to call the police on me! She made a whole scene with those other weird people. It felt like a complete set up! She followed me and hit my car with her fist and was just nasty!' 
See also:
