'You can get a pocket-sized bite of nostalgia in PBJ.LA, the shop that only makes peanut butter and jelly! Located in LA’s Grand Central Market, this shop has a variety of gourmet peanut butter and jelly sandwiches from the classic flavors to even an Ol’ Fashioned inspired sandwich. For more from PBJ.LA, visit: www.pbj.la & www.instagram.com/pbj.la FOOD INSIDER believes life should be a delicious adventure. Subscribe to our channel: http://insder.co/Food and visit us at: https://thisisinsider.com FOOD INSIDER on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foodinsider FOOD INSIDER on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisisinsiderfood/ FOOD INSIDER on Twitter: https://twitter.com/insiderfood INSIDER on Snapchat: https://insder.co/2KJLtVo'
Tags: sandwich , INSIDER , california , FOOD INSIDER , PB&J , peanut butter and jelly , la eats , uncrustables , LA Grand Central Parket , PBJ.LA
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