'Nabemono in Alhambra! https://www.yelp.com/biz/nabemono-shabu-shabu-alhambra Join the Fung Bros community and get access to special discounts, livestreams, Q&As, and more! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9avFXTdbSo5ATvzTRnAVFg/join --------------------------------- Do you want to work in media? Do you have film skills? We\'re looking for creatives in or around Los Angeles. If you\'re interested email us at [email protected] with your name, experience and location. Thank you! ---------------------------------- ▸ FUNG BROS SHIRTS & MERCH http://fungbros.merchlabs.com/ FOLLOW THE FUNG BROS. ▸ FACEBOOK // http://facebook.com/fungbros ▸ INSTAGRAM // http://instagram.com/fungbros ▸ TWITTER // http://www.twitter.com/fungbros DAVID ▸ INSTAGRAM // http://instagram.com/davidbfung ▸ TWITTER // http://www.twitter.com/davidbfung ANDREW ▸ INSTAGRAM // http://instagram.com/andrewjfung ▸ TWITTER // http://www.twitter.com/andrewjfung CAMERA // EDITOR // MUSIC // Origami Beats (http://instagram.com/origamibeats), RickyFlarez (http://instagram/thebriando) Birocratic Beats, Erik Kingsley http://Instagram.com/erikingsley'
Tags: best , fortnite , worth it , buzzfeed , worst , tastemade , complex , fung bros , food reviews , asian american , japanese food , japanese street food , food ranger , mark wiens , hot ones , asian girls , First We Feast , sean evans , fung brothers , Asian stereotypes , David Fung , Andrew Fung , Asian guys , hot pot , shabu shabu , Strictly Dumpling , chinese snacks , korean snacks , japanese sncaks
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